I Introduction
This project is part of the simulation framework of a telecommunication network based on the LTE standard , the simulation will be done using an LTE - called SIM software for assessing the performance of an LTE telecommunication network. LTE -SIM software , Open Source SIM software was designed to do simulations of scheduling strategies in uplink (UL) and downlink (DL) in multi- cell environments / multi-user taking into account the mobility users , optimization of radio resources, the reuse of frequencies, adaptive modulation ( AMC ) and other significant aspects to the industry and the scientific community . It simulates a telecommunications network according to the scenarios that the user sets it, for example a simulation of a transmission in a medium urban macro cell taking into account the aspect multi-user , multi-service , the user mobility.
In this post we will set up the installation procedure LTE -SIM software on Windows and Linux environments to limit risks to the unavailability of certain libraries.
II LTE -SIM Software Installation Procedure for Windows
To install the LTE -SIM Windows software, follow the two major Steps:
Step 1: To ensure a compiler C / C ++ is installed.
We test the existence of Cygwin compiler (compiler C/C++). COMMAND LINE on Tape WINDOW in the following order:
cygcheck -c cygwin cygcheck gcc -c
b . If not, we install the GNU compilers , make, and debugger
gdb from cygwin.com
1. Download the Cygwin setup.exe program by clicking the Install icon or Update Now! ( You have to go to the middle of the page).
2. Run setup.exe
Accept all defaults until you reach the Select Your Internet Connection. Select the option on this page that is best for you. Click Next.
On the Choose Download Site , choose the download site you think is closest to you . Click Next.
On the Select Packages page select the packages to download. Click the + next to Devel to expand the development tools category . You may have to resize the window to see more in one go.
Select each package you want to download by clicking Skip beside him .
At a minimum ,
· gcc - core: C compiler ,
· gcc - g++ C ++ compiler ,
· gdb -The GNU Debugger make:
· make - the GNU version of the 'make' utility .
3. Now add the Compiler directory to your path (path ): Open the Control Panel (Start> Settings > Control Panel ) and double- click the System program
In the System Variables panel of the dialog box Environment Variables , select the Path variable and click Edit
Add the path to the cygwin\bin directory to the Path variable , and click OK. By default, the cygwin directory is C:\cygwin\bin . Directory names must be separated by a semicolon . NB : add without deleting others.
Click OK in the box Variable surround dialogue and in the System Properties dialog box
Step 2:
1. Download and install ECLIPSE WITH C ++ IDE . ECLIPSE WITH C ++ IDE 32bit version . (32-bit Windows ) ECLIPSE WITH C ++ IDE 64bit version . (Windows 64-bit)
2. Download the lte-sim-r5
Open Eclipse and create a new C ++ project and named ' LTE -SIM '
In your Downloaded goto LTE-Sim Folder -> src folder, inside src copy all the files and folders and Paste in Eclipse workspace
To Update this files in your Project, right click your project and select refresh then you will get updated file list Or
Project->Build Project also update your files as shown in below figure
Running this command gives us the following figure and it should take some time for middle end computer so wait till the process completed :
This figure shows the scenarios we test examples created in the software and settings of entries for each example.
Here we have a legend that explains some information to the proper choice of parameters .
And so the LTE -SIM is installed in Windows
III LTE -SIM Software Installation procedure Linux
We present in this part of the installation process in Ubuntu , a Linux distribution with several advantages: safety , simplicity etc.
To install the software in LTE -SIM Lunix (Ubuntu) , you must follow two steps:
1. Step 1 Download LTE -SIM from http://telematics.poliba.it
2. Step 2
Ensure a compiler C / C ++ is installed by typing " gcc" and "g ++ " if not in a terminal ,type
sudo apt-get install build-essential
Install LTE -Sim using the command "make"
First you have to decompress the file and got to go to the current directory.
As can be seen in this figure, the LTE -SIM is installed on Linux